How 3 miracle benefits of sanfu moxibustion in Summer
Sanfu moxibustion overview Sanfu moxibustion is the traditional Chinese health preservation therapy in the summer. Filling with yang qi is…
Sanfu moxibustion overview Sanfu moxibustion is the traditional Chinese health preservation therapy in the summer. Filling with yang qi is…
The beginning of summer The beginning of summer named Lixia is the 7th solar term of 24 solar terms in…
Dry and chapped heel turn to smooth and beautiful, the methods are simple,effective and stable. Dry and chapped heel is…
Causes of rhinitis Two major elements causes rhinitis according to traditional Chinese therapies: lifestyle and diet habits. For example, people…
23rd Solar Term is harmful for seniors and weak people. Because it is minor cold in that moment.
阳气不足时现代人的通病 阳气就是人的生命之气,即元气。黄帝内经中对阳气的描述,称人体中的阳气就像天上的太阳,世界上万物生长皆靠太阳;人若没有了阳气,机体的新陈代谢就会停止,生命就会结束。 人体的一切活动正是依靠这股阳气的推动和温熙,蒸腾于生发功能,才得以让体内的血液流通和运行全身,营养脏腑经络,四肢百骸,肌肉皮毛。正所谓,阳气在人在,阳气五人亡,中医称气血帅。 直观当前现代生活,阳气不足已经成为现代人的通病。空调的广泛使用,屏蔽了自然的温度; 爱美心理的驱使下,女性穿衣服越来越少,薄,透,露肚脐,超短裙纷纷登场。 在寒冷的冬天,吃反季节的清热解暑的西瓜,各种反季节的水果和蔬菜,喝着冰镇的饮料,使用大量性寒的海产品。这些习惯正侵蚀着身体的阳气,损害着身体的健康。 如果阳气得不到呵护,被任意耗损,不仅仅会诱发疾病,严重还会危及生命。
Allergic rhinitis had been bothering me for in 3 seasons of a year. From spring to autumn, in three months…
Anxiety treatment can be natural therapy? People with anxiety or depression can be helped by Moxibustion Therapy? – Sure! Moxa…
To mitigate the risk of early menopause, it is important to implement certain lifestyle changes. These can include regular exercise,…