
Moxibustion the No.1 Effective Boosting Yang Qi Therapy

Moxibustion healing principle

The heat energy generated by a burning moxa stick has near-infrared radiation effect

The near-infrared radiation heat of moxibustion is a natural heat energy supplement for the physiological activities of the human body.

Because this near-infrared radiation heat energy can easily resonate with the human body and be regulated by the human body.

The near-infrared radiation heat energy of moxibustion has a strong penetrating power. It can be transmitted to the whole body through the meridians.

The heat of moxa can penetrate the skin and muscles directly to the lesions.

It can also stimulate the body’s own immunity by stimulating the acupoints, so that the body’s normal physiological functions can be restored.

The near-infrared heat energy generated when moxa sticks burn enhances local blood circulation and lymphatic circulation through warm stimulation on meridian acupoints.

The metabolic capacity of skin tissue is enhanced, and pathological products such as inflammation, adhesion, exudate, and hematoma can be well dissipated at the same time.

Local warming stimulation of moxibustion can also cause the diffusion of inhibitory substances in the cerebral cortex, reduce the excitability of the nervous system, thereby achieving the effects of sedation and analgesia, and there are no toxic side effects.

The warmth of moxa can also open the pores, promote the absorption of drugs, and give full play to the medicinal effects of moxa itself, other added herbs in moxa sticks, and spacers.



Indications of moxibustion

The indications of moxibustion are as wide as those of acupuncture and herbs. They include acute and chronic diseases in internal, surgery, gynecology and pediatrics. No matter they are caused by cold or heat, deficiency or excess, exterior or interior, yin or yang.

Moxibustion, as a treatment method, acts on the human body and must work through the internal factor of human reactivity.

Therefore, the same moxa method has different effects on different people with the same disease, and the therapeutic effects and treatment time are not exactly the same. This is because the reactivity of individual person is different.

Effects of moxibustion

Disease prevention and health care Prevent disease before it happens

Moxibustion is popular in the folk, especially in southern China. There are two reasons. First, the raw materials of moxa named wormwood(mugwort) are easy to find. Mugwort does not need to be specially cultivated in the south. It grows wild and can be found everywhere.

Second, as a simple and easy method of disease prevention and health care, it is simple and easy to maintain good health through normal eating, bathing, and moxibustion from generation to generation.

When encountering diseases, the people would hand over the moxa treatment to the older women, who were usually the most prestigious and skilled moxibustion masters in the tribe, and were also called fire masters, meaning the ones who knew best how to control the temperature of moxa fire to treat diseases.

Moxa in folk

The heat master is generally inherited from masters. Experienced masters select women with good moral character, mild and smart from the tribe, then train them in a planned way.

Because the skill of moxa heat control cannot be explained in words, the moxibustion practitioner must practice continuously and accumulate skills.

Moxibustion can relieve fatigue

When the body shows symptoms of fatigue, it may not caused by a certain disease, but may be caused by poor sleep, excessive work intensity, high pressure and other reasons.

Moxibustion can increase human energy and relieve fatigue. Through moxibustion, the spatial structure of meridians and internal organs is improved, which brings about a series of changes in qi and blood.

For example, long-term desk work or excessive pressure can temporarily block qi and blood, and qi and blood circulation is not smooth.

If the proportion of qi and blood supplied to the internal organs is reduced, the internal organs will shrink and their functions will be inactive.

Therefore, people will naturally feel depressed and tired. The root cause is that the qi and blood reserves are small, that is, the battery capacity is small.

The heat energy of moxibustion acts on certain acupuncture points, clears the dirt that blocks the meridians.

The meridians are unblocked, qi and blood can circulate normally, the internal organs are normally nourished by qi and blood, and their functions are restored, the energy is abundant, and people naturally feel energetic.

Moxibustion helps nourish Yin blood

Nourishing Yin and Blood is an indirect effect of moxibustion.

By enhancing the function of the internal organs, moxibustion improves the conversion rate of Qi and blood, let the body gets more Yin fluid and blood, thus achieving the effect of nourishing Yin and blood.

For example, moxibustion on some acupoints on the Ren Meridian, the stomach meridian and the spleen meridian, awakens the function of the internal organs to transport and transform food, which increases the conversion rate of food into Qi, blood, body fluid, liquid, and essence, and the body gets more nourishment.

Moxibustion replenishes positive energy and supports yang energy

The near-infrared heat energy generated by moxibustion passes through the skin, warms the body, promotes the production and circulation of blood and body fluids, and enhances the functions of the corresponding meridians and the functions of the internal organs that the meridians reach.

For example, moxibustion on certain acupoints of the stomach meridian replenishes the entire stomach meridian, and the internal organ reached by the stomach meridian is the stomach, so the function of the stomach is also adjusted, and the stomach’s function of receiving decayed food is enhanced.

The appetite is opened, more food is eaten, the absorption rate of nutrition is improved, and the qi and blood are increased. The yang energy is naturally sufficient.

Moxibustion can dispel cold, dredge meridians and relieve pain

Moxibustion warms the body, allowing the cold and dampness in the body to be discharged through the fingertips, toes, top of the head, navel, shoulders, sides of the body and other different parts, so that the blood and qi can flow normally.

The blood stasis is washed away and no longer blocked, so the pain is naturally relieved or disappears.

In my clinical practice, I have met many people with severe cold and dampness in their bodies. The temperature of the body parts where the coldness expelled from their bodies is cold, just like they had just been taken out of the refrigerator’s fresh-keeping cabinet.

Moxibustion can Regulate Immunity

Many therapeutic effects of moxibustion are also achieved by regulating the immune function of the human body. This effect has the characteristics of two-way regulation, not only improving deficiency but also reducing excessive. In pathological conditions, this adjustment effect more obvious.

Modern Research

Moxibusiton Therapy
Moxibustion Therapy

Moxibustion – Radiation Effects

Physics tells us that the radiation is a process of energy outward diffusion in the form of electromagnetic waves or particles; any object above absolute zero in temperature emits electromagnetic radiation.

The radiant energy spectrum produced by the burning of mugwort is infrared, and near infrared is the main component. Moxibustion is applied to acupuncture points, and near infrared heat can better send energy to the lesion through the meridian system.

Near-infrared rays can stimulate the hydrogen bonds of biomolecules in the acupoints of the human body, and produce stimulated coherent resonance absorption effects, which transfer the energy required by human cells through the nerve and humoral system. The infrared radiation generated during moxibustion can be used for the metabolic activities of the body’s cells and immunity The function provides the necessary energy, and can also provide activation energy to diseased cells that lack energy.

Moxibustion – Another Modern Study

The methanol extract of the combustion product of moxa has the effect of scavenging free radicals and is stronger than the methanol extract of unburned moxa.

The lipid peroxide in the local skin of moxibustion is significantly reduced, and this effect is caused by the combustion products of moxa.

The burning of moxa not only did not destroy its effective medicinal ingredients, but strengthened it.

The anti-oxidant substances in the burning product of moxa stick to the skin at the acupoints and penetrate into the body by moxa heat.

CLICK HERE to read More Information about the study of Moxibustion Therapy.


1. What is moxibustion good for?

Moxibustion not only cure diseases, but also prevent diseases. In ancient times, there was a method of first aid, which was used to provide first aid for collapse.

Moxibustion can help chronic diseases such as internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, pediatrics, dermatology, and bone, muscle and fascia in our orthopedics department.

The heat energy of moxibustion can warm the veins, and dispel cold evil, and it has a significant effect on pain.

The heat energy of moxibustion can also strengthen the body, because of its effect of warming and dredging meridians, and the ability to enhance Yang Qi.

And moxibusiton therapy has no side-effect.

2. Does moxibusiton actually work?

Moxibustion refers to moxa cone d moxa stick made of wortwood which the moxa heat produced by burning stimulates acupoints or specific parts of the human body.

Adjusting the disordered physiological and biochemical functions of the human body by stimulating the activity of meridian qi, so as to achieve the purpose of disease prevention and treatment and cure.

3. When is the best time for moxibustion?

a) During the daytime

From 3:00 am to 9:00 am is a day of spring, called day spring time.
From 9:00 am to 3:00 pm is a day of summer, called day summer time.
From 3:00 pm to 9:00 pm is a day of autumn, called day autumn time.
From 9:00 pm to 3:00 am is a day of winter, called day winter time.

In the morning, 9am to 11am, yang energy of nature and the human body begins to rise. Moxibustion at this time can get twice the result with half the effort for yang energy arising.

Especially for people with yang deficiency and qi deficiency, such as those who are afraid of cold, often cold extremities, have low immunity,etc..

In the afternoon 1pm to 3pm, yang energy gentle getting down ready for night time sleeping. However it is also a good time for moxibustion therapy.

From 9am to 3pm, the yang Qi is the most vigorous in a day. Also the most vigorous and the metabolism of human body is vigorous. The result is better during the time.

b) During solar terms

There are also six nodes in the change of the six atmospheres, namely the Great Cold, the Vernal Equinox, the Little Man, the Great Heat, the Autumnal Equinox, and the Light Snow.

During the season of solar terms, the popularity also changes drastically, and the chance of qi stagnation is difficult.

Those who are weak are prone to illness, and even aggravate or relapse. To pass it requires yang fire from moxibusiton

So the week before and after the twenty-four solar terms is a good day for moxibustion, for disease prevention and keeping health which should not be missed.

c) During seasons

In Summer, especially the dog days, is the best time of the year when the Yang Qi is the most vigorous. At this time, the human body’s Yang Qi is the most vigorous and the metabolism is vigorous.

When the sun goes down, the heat of the earth rises, and the qi of heaven and earth meet up and down. The human body should follow the natural rule to nourish the yang.

During summer, moxibustion not only resist the heat and humidity in summer without getting sick, but also store yang energy for autumn and winter.

Therefore there is enough yang energy in winter to resist cold and damp air, improving disease resistance and reduce illness throughout the year.

In Winter, especially the coldest 27 days the year. During winter, yang energy is stored, qi and blood moveing slow, skin is dry, and pores are closed tight for keeping yang energy not be leaked.

Moxibustion can warm yang, replenish qi, and improve resistance.

People who doing moxibustion therapy every winter, especially in the most coldest 27 days, it can strengthen and consolidate the curative effect of moxibustion in summer.

4. Can I do moxibsution at home by myself?

People also hope to perform moxibustion at home to achieve the effect of healing or health care.

From using different moxibustion materials, utensils and moxibustion methods for different diseases to accurately selecting the appropriate acupoints and choose the quantity of the moxibusiton therapy is a highly professional method.

There are also risks of burns when people is self-moxibustion at home. Do not recommend it.

5. What is the difference between moxibustion and acupuncture?

First of all, the curative effect of moxibustion is very miraculous. Moxibustion therapy has a wide range of adaptations, and it was the main method for treating diseases in ancient China.

Moxibustion has the functions of warming yang and invigorating qi, dispelling cold and relieving pain, tonifying deficiency and solidifying detoxification, warming meridian and dredging collaterals, eliminating blood stasis and dissipating stagnation, and nourishing the middle and replenishing qi.

It can be widely used in internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, pediatrics, and ENT diseases, especially for mastitis, prostatitis, frozen shoulder, pelvic inflammatory disease, cervical spondylosis, and diabetes, ect.

Moxibustion has an unexpected effect on the treatment of chronic diseases.

Secondly, moxibustion has a unique effect on health care. Using moxibustion to prevent diseases and prolong life has a history of thousands of years in China.

The moxibustion method is made of “wormwood”, which is known as “the king of all herbs” and “Huangyang grass”. Used in moxibustion, it has played a double combination of herbs and physical therapy.

The heat energy of moxibustion can reach every corner of the body, even the corners that cannot be reached by needles or herbs.

The moxa heat energy can stay inside helping circulation of the human body at least 2 hours.

And the moxa heat help to calm down and relax, it make the body easy to absorb the moxa herb heat energy.

Moxibustion is an external natural therapy without side effects.

Acupuncture uses needles to penetrate certain parts of the patient’s body to prick the nerves and cause local reactions, or stimulating to achieve the purpose activate the system.

Regulating qi and blood, making yin and yang return to a relative balance, and make the functions of viscera tend to be harmonious, so as to achieve the purpose of preventing and curing diseases.

It depends on the people at least has a strong qi in their body. Then this stimulation is effective by acupuncture.

For weak people, the side-effect is much more than the curing result. That is because they are already lack of yang energy, the insertion of the needle also make their yang energy leaked. So, they often feel tire after their treatments.

People are sensitive for pain, acupuncture is not a good therapy to choose. Because people who are frightened of needle, they would make the muscle tense. Tense muscle will block qi and blood flow. 

Those who are afraid of stinging pain can choose moxibustion therapy instead of acupuncture.

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